Monday, March 28, 2011

Broken Mind

the world within a mind
.....of mistaken reality 
deals the fantasies 
of their truth 
hold lies reported 
by repeating the mistakes
history sullied

...armed with no arms

What better way
than to pit one against the other
Ensuring no one speaks….?

now flailing, 

failing, falling, frightened 
trying to remain in charge
history is remembered
threats re-threaded...

only one name

remains the same
the one on the path 

tossed the the cliff
walks on without the gifts won

the Lord shakes his head
knowing all the lies
that have been said
to save the legs of this fool
on the wrong trail
being led by explosions

in their head

1 comment:

  1. ...armed with no arms..we all seem to walk on the wrong path from time to time..good if we have someone then to get us back on track..
