Sunday, April 3, 2011

held cupped.

A chalice
filled with flowing tears
as their silence is spoken.

Lifted now
to gently cleanse
a face that once was broken.

Outstretched limbs
support these palms
drenched in mourning sorrow,

They come together 
as solace
waits behind the moon
in tomorrow



  1. Wonderful! I scan it thus:

    the first line is its own hard sound (masculine)
    then followed by one foot iambic
    the next two - two feet iambic
    as silence is spoken - two feet anapestic
    lifted now to gently wash - anapest foot followed by two feet of iambic
    this face that once was broken - two iambic feet followed by an anapest
    Outstretched arms support these - two anapestic feet
    palms drenched (for me..palms drenched a spondee with two hard stresses, but for you an iamb I'm sure)
    followed by "in morning sorrow" - another iamb ("in morn") ending with the anapest ..."ing sorrow"
    "they are" (line) ..iambic pentameter
    "underneath.." - a tetrameter line beginning with an anapest, followed by an iambic foot, then followed by two more anapestic feet.

    Feel free to let me know if you read the same way. It does depends on one's own "ear". Thank you for linking!

  2. beautiful piece, heartfelt. reading through Beachanny's comment, I can feel the rhythm of the piece more.

  3. I can't thank you enough.
    ....your ear reads true Beachanny
